Thursday, December 20, 2007

Henning Family 2007 Christmas Card

For those of you that didn't get one in the mail, here is the Henning Family's 2007 Christmas card. Several recipients of this year's card were disappointed that I failed to include Juno on it. Historically our Christmas card is a family portrait and Juno is always present, usually wearing a Santa hat, awwww. Well I ran out of time and decided to break tradition and use a photo from our trip to Italy this year instead. The photo is actually the only shot of the three of us together from the trip, I couldn't bring myself to hand over my camera to a complete stranger without fear of them running off with it. Hey, I saw European vacation. Anyway, one person in particular, a Mr. Kermit Owens, was so disappointed Juno wasn't included on our Christmas card that he took it upon himself to Photoshop her in there. And you know what? I love it. Thanks Kermit!

Merry Christmas Everyone! (said in my best Jimmy Stewart impersonation)


Z-Man said...

Totally Gay!

Marc F. Henning said...

Yes. In a "Ho, Ho Merry Christmas" sort of gay way.

Sarah Bussey Adams said...

Hey Marc,
Ben Chrisman told me to check out your blog. You have such a fun job and do great work. Just wanted to say hello from LR.