Friday, September 28, 2007

No More Floats For Me

I read this story last night and the whole thing really just scares the hell out of me. Looks like I won't be floating any rivers or swimming in any lakes from now on. No "Brain-Eating Amoebas" for me thank you.,2933,298338,00.html

Happy swimming everyone and don't forget your nose plugs.

(you know I've gotta be serious about this to make a post without photos....we all know how much I hate "word" posts)


Nathan Allen said...

... Wow, this really, really scares me. Something that can kill you so sudden and not know anything about it scares the absolute hell out of me. I didn't even know this existed. And yeah, it's probably rare to get, but at the end of the day, it's there ... I'll never get into another pool, lake or river without thinking of this.

Brandon said...

Good gosh.

I can see it now...

From the people who brought you "Jaws," comes, "Amoeba."

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water.

Melissa said...

(Infotext) (Must Run)
Number of deaths for leading causes of death:

w Heart disease: 654,092
w Cancer: 550,270
w (cerebrovascular diseases): 150,147
w lower respiratory diseases: 123,884
w (unintentional injuries): 108,694
w Diabetes: 72,815
w Alzheimer's disease: 65,829
w Influenza/Pneumonia: 61,472
w Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 42,762
w Septicemia: 33,464

Source: National Center for Health Statistics

Life's scary Marc.

Marc F. Henning said...

you're a real ray of sunshine Melissa. (:

Neemah said...

Oh come on! First of all this amoeba has to be in warm, standing water so unless you are swimming in swamps all the time you have nothing to worry about. And second you're more likely to win the lottery twice than catch something like this. So get excited, you're about to win the lottery! Twice!

Lady Robin M said...

So, Marc, are you wearing your sunscreen every day???