Wednesday, April 30, 2008

One Month And Counting

We leave for our vacation in the Philippines in exactly one month. I'm getting anxious. The subjects pictured within this post are Mangyans from the mountains above Alona's hometown. Mangyans are indigenous to the island of Mindoro in the Philippines. They are very friendly people, extremely hard working and very poor. They exist mostly by growing and trading root crops in the towns below their mountain villages.

Mangyan women work just as hard as the men. This woman was heading back to her village late in the day. The basket she's carrying probably weighed about 60 pounds and she was going to be carrying it back up the mountain.

I gave this man some bread in trade for his photograph while hiking the Mangyan's trail in the mountains above Mansalay with my brother-in-law and a guide. I never found out what the bird was for. It made for an interesting element of the portrait though. I plan on shooting lots more photos of the Mangyans when I return to Mindoro. This month couldn't pass by any sooner.

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