Friday, February 1, 2008

Snow Day (Take Two)

Woke up this morning and guess what? The snow was still there. Guess what that means? More snow features, Yay! Both of these were shot in Bella Vista at the Tanyard Creek Walking Trail.

Tomorrow is Groundhog's Day (which is my birthday by the way) so I expect to wake up in the morning and not see my shadow, thus guaranteeing no more snow until next year. That's how it works right? I just hope the day doesn't repeat itself over and over like the movie, cause I'd hate to have to go to work over and over and over and over again. I do like my job, but that would really suck.


Andy Shupe said...

Happy birthday, dude.

Lady Robin M said...

I can't believe we, your co-workers, missed your birthday! Debbie never would let that happen. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARC! Hope it was a great one.

Michael said...

A happy belated birthday man.